Ariel Arieta, Violinist

Ariel Israel Arieta has been studying music since the age of 10, first on piano, and then, inspired by Adventist hymn arranger Jaime Jorge, switched to violin at the age of 21. After some informal training, Ariel met and began studying with Austin Charles-Marcel, who was at that time a violin student of Dr. Preston Hawes at WAU. Austin encouraged Ariel to expand his musical experience by playing with the Orchestra of Southern Asian SDA Church (Silver Spring, MD), where Ariel in 2020 received a Certificate of Appreciation and the STAR (ResponSibility, InTegrity, CooperAtion, and PerseveRance) Member Award from Director, Douglas Lira and Pastor Franklin David.
Four years after completing a Certificate of Early Childhood Development in 2015 at Howard Community College (Columbia, MD), Ariel enrolled at Washington Adventist University as a General Education student with an emphasis in Music, studying violin with Dr’s. Brian Liu and Preston Hawes. While serving as a violinist in the New England Youth Ensemble, Ariel continued to perform within the community playing in churches, retirement communities, and with the Montgomery Symphony Orchestra as a section violinist. In the Fall of 2022, Ariel was nominated into membership at WAU’s chapter of The National Society of Leadership and Success.
Ariel is now a private music teacher and professional violinist. Ariel is looking for clients to perform in any events like weddings, anniversaries, and more. Also, he is looking for students to teach violin lessons from ages 6 and up.
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