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Home > Ben Traverse

Ben Traverse

Watch Ben Traverse

Folksinger, balladeer, educator, songwriter, and Earthwork Music Collective member Ben Traverse commands a wide array of instruments in their mission to bring the finest traditional folk music into the 21st century. With deep roots in the Great Lakes State, they travel Michigan and beyond telling stories and truths as old as the hills.


Drawing from the rich history of American, Celtic, English, and maritime traditions, Traverse brings its unapologetic rawness and honesty into the present day. Whether performing solo, collaborating with other musicians, or working in an educational setting, audiences are left with not only a deeper understanding, but also appreciation for this historical art and the context under which it blossomed.


Traverse has released three albums: a solo collection of old-time American ballads in the spirit of Pete Seeger and early Folkways Recordings, a rousing album of sea shanties and maritime music with Michael Dause, and another with Nick Veine celebrating music from the Irish diaspora.

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